Types of Jobs
in china
Public Schools
Qualification Requirements: Bachelor Degree + 120 Hour TEFL
Start Dates: March 1st & Sept. 1st mostly, but other start date possible
Salary Range: US $1500-$1950
Contract Completion Bonus: US $750-$1200
Flight: One-way flight to China reimbursed or flight allowance
Schedule: Max of 18-20 (45 min) classes/week, M-F: 8:30 - 12:30 & 2:00-4:30, office hours (*some cities/districts have no office hours)
Class Size: 25-40 students
Vacation: 3+ months, including national holidays (mix of paid, partially paid & unpaid)
Housing: Free on campus/Free shared/or US $450 allowance
Medical Insurance: Free (with social insurance)
Why you should consider public schools:
Low teaching hours, generous vacation time, weekday & daytime schedule, enjoy free weekends and evenings
Language Centres - Kids & Teens or Adults
Qualification Requirements: Bachelor Degree + 120 Hour TEFL
Start Dates: Year-long
Salary Range: US $1500-$2250
Contract Completion Bonus: US $750-$2250
Flight: Flight policy varies by school/company
Schedule: Mix of 9:00-5:00 & 1:00-9:00, 3 weekdays + Sat. & Sun, 20-25 (45-55 min) classes per week, 30-35 office hours
Class Size: 1-12 students
Vacation: 2-3 weeks paid, plus national holidays
Housing: US $450 housing allowance
Medical Insurance: Free (with social insurance)
Why you should consider Language Centers:
Professional environment, good salary & reliable companies, small class sizes & motivated students, know your location and school name before your arrival
Qualification Requirements: Bachelor Degree + 120 Hour TEFL
Start Dates: Year long, but mainly for March 1st & Sept. 1st
Salary Range: US $1500-$2250
Contract Completion Bonus: US $750-$1200
Flight: One-way flight to China reimbursed or flight allowance
Schedule: M-F: 8:30-5:00, 8-15 classes/week, 30 -35 office hours
Class Size: 6-15 students
Vacation: 2-3 months (mix of fully paid or 50%)
Housing: Free on campus/Free shared/or US $450 allowance
Medical Insurance: Free (with social insurance)
Why you should consider Kindergartens:
Low teaching hours, 2-3 weeks vacation, weekday & daytime schedule, enjoy free weekends and evenings, know your city in advance
International Schools
& Subject Teachers
Qualification Requirements: Bachelor of Education, Bachelor Degree in specific subject + 120 Hour TEFL
Start Dates: March 1st & Sept. 1st mostly
Salary Range: US $2250-$3700
Contract Completion Bonus: US $1500-$3000
Flight: Generous flight allowance
Schedule: M-F: 8:30-4:30, approx. 20 (45-60 min) classes/week, 30-35 office hours (potential for no office hours)
Class Size: 15-30 students
Vacation: 3+ months, including national holidays (mix of paid, partially paid)
Housing: US $300-750 allowance
Medical Insurance: Free (with social insurance)
Why you should consider public schools:
Rewarding job in a specific subject/skill, above average salary & vacation time, professional education development, homeroom teachers - international schools

Public Schools vs. Training Centres
An article by Brody W.
There are two main types of schools with which you might get a position in Shenzhen. The first is a government-run public school, while the second is a privately-owned training school. For those familiar with the system in Korea, public schools are like getting a position through EPIK, while training schools approximate hagwons. This article will take a quick look at the differences between these types of schools in China.